
January 28, 2019

January AAYR Meeting with Club Elections Tonight At Murphy’s Grand Irish Pub

Good morning all!

Tonight is the night for our first meeting of 2019 and our annual elections meeting.  We look forward to seeing you all at Murphys Grand Irish Pub in the upstairs room at 7:30 pm!

All those wishing to run for office or to vote for an office must be paid 2019 AAYR members and live within the AAYR club boundary (City of Alexandria, or Alexandria portion of Fairfax County).  If you paid for the Christmas Party then you are all set for 2019, if not please contact us to confirm your membership status or use our membership sign-up form here or included in the block below.

Candidate for Chairman

Andrew Lund
I am honored to receive your consideration for the position of AAYR Chairman.  Thank you in advance for your consideration and I hope to earn your vote.

Andrew currently serves as Chairman of AAYR and has also served as Vice Chairman. Andrew has spent the last year (2018) serving as AAYR Chairman and served as Vice Chairman before that.  While he is pleased with the progress of the club to date, he believes more needs to be done with respect to bringing our message to the young people of the Alexandria area, to improve the area with Republican principles, and to develop the next generation of Republicans for elected office.  Those are a few of the reasons he is looking to run again for this position.

Andrew has the leadership experience. After being involved in Republican groups at UC Irvine, he began work for Republican legislators (both state and federal) in San Diego as well as the San Diego Young Republicans.  He served one year on the SDYR board and two years as Chairman from 2009-2011.  He was responsible for growing the size of SDYR and organizing grassroots support for many Republican candidates for local, state, and federal office.  His proudest achievement while in California was guiding the SDYR’s to the statewide California YR Club of the Year award in 2010.  He’s appeared on TV and in print media fighting for our vision for the future.  Andrew shares our values.  Since getting married and moving to Alexandria 5 years ago, Andrew has committed himself to continuing the work he began in California to develop the next wave of Republican activists, candidates, and officeholders.  He has become involved with the Alexandria Republican City Committee (ARCC), has served as an Alexandria GOP delegate at the 2016 Republican Party of Virginia convention in Harrisonburg, and continues to be involved in several other capacities to include service as the 45th House of Delegates Legislative District Committee Chairman.

Andrew is someone we can work with.  In 2011, after working for Congressman Brian Bilbray (R-San Diego) in his District Office, Andrew decided it was time to come to our area to continue the fight for conservative principles inside the beltway.  He was the point on many legislative issues within the Congressman’s office and also served on his campaign.  Andrew brings a new, passionate perspective.  As we all know, for years the City of Alexandria’s government has run amok with bloated budgets and wasteful spending, funded by unjustified and automatic annual tax increases.  All the while, they spend these hard earned tax dollars on departmental budget increases with no oversight.  At the same time we have unaccredited schools, scores of business vacancies in Old Town and around the City, and are drowning in redevelopment proposals that are more focused on tourism than preserving the historic nature of our City.  Andrew believes it is more important now than ever to promote conservative fiscal principles and develop Republican candidates to rebut the liberals that continue to govern the City.

Candidate for Vice Chairman

Colton Worley
Good day to all Alexandria Young Republicans!

My name is Colton Worley and I’m very excited to run for the Vice Chairman position!

As a new Alexandrian I have enjoyed my time here in the city and I am extremely interested in the politics involved with the local government.

I was somewhat underwhelmed by the attendance I have seen at the local GOP meetings especially from the Millennials. It is critical to the health and longevity of the Republican Party to drum up excitement and energy in young people to vote Republican. At a national level Millennials are systematically voting more and more progressive because it seems like the “cool” thing to do. In order for the Republican Party to survive the voter base needs to be replenished with a youth movement.

The ideology of the left is not objective or fact-based but driven by a powerful propaganda machine! It is up to US as the leaders of the young republican community to come forth and fight back against the bullying of the left otherwise known as “tolerance.” The left controls the workplace with “tolerance” by firing employees who are openly conservative. The left controls our college campuses with “tolerance” by inhibiting conservative speakers and students there first amendment right to speak freely about their ideology.

Be proud to be a Republican!

As a leader it is lonely on top but it is up to US to withstand the backlash of the left so that moving forward YOUNG likeminded people can speak their conservative views freely without fear of being bullied into silence by the left.

Be proud to be a Republican!

I will strive to engage the local voting youth and grow the party! If that means talking with a single person everyday and making them think critically and objectively about why they should vote Republican I WILL, and I encourage all young Republican leaders to do the same!

Together we are strong and can accomplish great things,

Be proud to be Republican!

Thank you for time and consideration,

Best Regards

M. Colton Worley

Candidate for Treasurer

None to date

Candidate for Secretary

Jerri Ann Henry

January 28, 2019